It was sculpted by Dominique Seys.
I used products Vallejo for paint it.
Airbrush Evolution
Brush: nº 0 and 1 of red Sable Kolinsky
Paints Model Color Vallejo, Model Air and WASH Vallejo
color base: cork brown + olive green( MA) + basalt grey
light 1: cork brown + basic skintonne
light 2: pale blue
light 3: ivory
for painting of shadow and tones I used the new set WASH of Vallejo
blue shade, umber shade, red shade,etc.....
if you have some questions you can ask here ;)
2 comentarios:
No me llama la atencion pero como primera (bueno segunda) ronda de "recetas" es genial, las combinaciones de colores que escoges siempre me parecen sorprendentes....
Que tienen de especial los lavados? la consistencia? la dilucion?..
I don't like the figure much but for the recipe Uff!!..always amazes me the combination of colours that you choose....
Regarding the Vallejo Washes, what do they have of special? the conssitency? de dilution?
the pigmentation is veryyyyyyyyy fine and you can give tones very easy
it is more liquid and also you can mixture model color with it and get good results ;)
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