I will go Salute 2010 :)
I will makeing demo painting in the Sphere Wars stand and you can see all the paintjobs me for this company
you can ask all the questions of paint about of these miniatures ;)
I will be all day in the stand ;)
Also you can see some paintjobs me in the Smart Max (smog), Antenociti's and Otherworld Miniatures stands...
Also I will show some miniatures of Anima Tactics and Infinity but it will not be exposed in showcase if you want see it you ask me
see you
angel ;)
6 comentarios:
I will look out for you at salute,
Looks like a secret Aleph construct whited out there ;)
Mi mas sincero apoyo Angel; demuestra que tu talento no conoce fronteras ;)
Buen viaje y a ver si teneis suerte con el avion
Aqui las alarmas ya se han disparado con la peana, asi que ya sabemos que la mini imprimada es un tag infinitero XD
PD: Las minis que llevas son la mayoria femeninas, picaron. Como sabeis de que pie cojeamos ja ja ja XD
Really nice to chat today at Salute (via the interpreter!) Great to see your minis in person and many thanks for the fantastic advice and critique on my Canoness :)
Great to meet you at Salute Angel.
Thanks for the warm welcome and all the tips and advice.
The chance to see these miniatures with my own ees was something special. Some truley amazing work! Can't wait to see your next projects :P
Best wishes,
Hi Max Von
yes, the interpreter is very great :), sorry for my bad english :(
I hope meet you other event and see more paintjobs your ;)
Hi Chris
thank ;), if you have more doubt you can ask for mail ;)
see you ;)
Edu, ya sabes lo que dicen.. tira mas 2 tetas que do carretas,jajaja
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