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jueves, 28 de abril de 2011


Painted by Jose Veiga and Angel Giraldez

HERE you can vote this miniature

HERE you can buy this miniature

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

3 Heavy Myrmidons ( Hydra, Manticore, Phoenix )

I painted it for the company Privateer Press.

I used P3 paints.

if you have some questions about colors you can ask here ;)

jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Cape: Step to Step

All colors are of the range Vallejo
Translate: Mario Delgado

1º step
Imprimacion blanca Vallejo

Airbrush or brush two/three thin layers of white primer from Vallejo

2º step
aplicamos 2 lavados por toda la superficie con basalt grey y dejando secar en cada capa 30segundos. No es importante que quede homogeneo, en algunas partes puede contener mas basalt grey.

Apply two washes of the whole surface with basalt gray. Leave to dry each one for 30 second
Is not important that the washes are homogenous and some areas could be thicker than others

3º step
aplicamos lavados con umber shade y sepia shader por todo la superficie, luego una y despues otra, hacemos una 5 o 6 lavados en este paso ya vemos como va cogiendo el color de cuero Viejo.

Next apply some washes with umber shade first and sepia shade after. Some 5-6 washes of each will give the old leather texture

4º step
aplicamos unos punteados con germ c. beige por las partes de luces
aplicamos unos lavados con field drab por donde le dimos el punteado.

Next step is to give a layer of fine pointillism with Germ C Beige where the lights will be. After give a thin wash with field drab on these areas

5º step
aplicamos unos punteados y lineas en las partes de luces con deck tan, sobre todo nos centramos en los bajos de la capa y en las arrugas.

Next lights with pointillism and lines using Deck Tan, especially in the lower parts of the cape and in the folds

6º. step
aplicamos lavados de sepia shade por toda la superficie.

Apply a wash with Sepia over the whole area

7º: step
aplicamos lavados de negro por las partes de sombra, insistimos mucho en las parte de sombras mas fuertes
A wash of Balck on the shadows, apply several on those areas with deeper shadows

retocamos un poco las luces con deck tan en forma de punteados

Retouch the lights with Deck Tan using the pointillism technique

9º step
aplicamos algunos tonos con field drab and periscopios (panzer aces Vallejo)en algunas partes de la capa para enriquecer mas el cuero.

To give the leather a richer color apply some light tones with Field Drab and Periscope (both from Vallejo’s Panzer Aces colours) to give richer feeling to the leather

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

I painted it for the company Tercio Creativo.

I used Model Colors, Game Color, WASH and Panzer Aces of Vallejo.

If you have questions about color you ask here ;)

color base: brown sand
light 1: beige red
ligth 2:flat base
light 3: ivory
shadow: flat earth, chocolate brown
tones: calvary brown

Golden NMM
color base: english uniform
light: gold brown
light 2: yellow ice
light 3: white
shadow: chocolate brown, sepia shade

Purple color
color base: hull red + violet
light 1: sunny skin tone
shadow: black, hull red

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Wolf Guard Space Wolves

Hi guys

I painted it in the 2002 year, It was my first painting years.....

Here you can vote it

Here you can buy this classic miniature ;)

FCC Team

I painted it for the company Mercs Miniatures.

I used Model Color, Game Color, Inks, Pancer Aces Vallejo.

If you questions about colors you can ask here ;)

Boomer's pants

color base: military green + us dark green

light 1: russian unif. wwII

light 2: sunny skin tone

shadow: military green, black, periscopes


I painted it for the company Sphere Wars.

I used Model Color , Inks and WASH Vallejo, if you have some questions about color you can ask here ;)

color base: beige red + violet
light 1: flat base
light 2: light flesh
light 3: ivory
shadow: violet, brown sand

color base: black
light 1: white
shadow: black
tones: cavlary brown, orange brown

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Quimera and Pupniks

I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity

I used Model Color ,Game Color and WASH Vallejo.

If you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

Lion Skin:

color base: german cam. orange ochre

light 1: sunny skintone

light 2: ivory

shadow: flat earth


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity. I used Model Color and Game Color Vallejo. If you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

color base: germ. c. beige
light 1: deck tan
light 2: basic skintone
shadow: violet and greay basalt
tones: hull red, green

color base: turquoise + black + military green
light 1: golden olive
light 2. sunny skintone
light 3: ivory
shadow: black

Al- Hawwa

I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity.

I used Model Color and Game Color Vallejo.

If you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

martes, 12 de abril de 2011


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli, it is award for the winner 1º ITS NEOTERRA. It is a basic level . Soon I will show studio level of this miniature ;) I used Model Color and Game color Vallejo

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Metros, Paracomando, Chasseur, Voluntaria y Sofotecto

Painted miniatures for the distributor DIA CASH

Game level

Painted by : Jose Veiga and Angel Giraldez

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Heavy Rifle Team

I painted it for the company Privateer Press.

I used P3 paints

if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)


color base: underbelly blue

light 1: morrow white

shadow: greatcoat + arcane blue

tones: arcane blue


color base: coal black

light1: menoth white base

light 2: menoth white-highlight

shadow: thamr black