jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

2º Exposicion en Esbozos Comics

Mañana viernes ire a la tienda Esbozos Comics a dejar en exposicion las novedades de este mes de Infinity ;)
tambien os cuelgo un previuw de futuros trabajos de otras marcas que saldran dentro de poco..... Xd

sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Med Tec Obsidon Medcanoide

Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Combined Army.
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig.
I hope you like it.

Djanbazan sniper

Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Hakkislam army.
It was sculpted by Pedro Fernandez.
I hope you like it.

Bagh mari hmg

Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Panoceania army.
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig.
I hope you like it.


Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Mercs army.I
t was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig.
I hope you like it.

lunes, 5 de enero de 2009

Article for Theminiaturespage


I painted this 2 miniatures for the website Theminiaturespage.

In the article I explained two techniques of painting: Non-Metallic Metal (NMM) and Metallic Pigments.

Here you can see the article:

viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

Demon I

Miniature that I painted for the company Otherworld Miniatures.
This UK company is headed for Richard Scott.
Here you can see his website: