sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Med Tec Obsidon Medcanoide

Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Combined Army.
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig.
I hope you like it.

7 comentarios:

  1. Muy buena la figurilla pero me recuerda demasiado a los "pulpos" de The Matrix.

  2. Pues ni idea :(, ademas tampoco vi Matrix, creo que soy la unica persona del mundo que no vio la peli,XD

  3. Pero vamos a ver, es que no te cansas de mejorar? Como se te ocurre pintar así? Por favor, pinta como el resto de los humanos (a este paso, vuelvo a meter el elfo en disolvente)

  4. Wow I couldn't believe this piece! It's better than studio standard, I love the translucent effect on and around its eyes, its disgusting in a good way ;). Oh and the bases are great on this latest set of releases, just as interesting as the models. You never cease to amaze!

  5. No sera para tanto Raul ;), para la siguiente mini voy a volver a pintar rosita,jejej ;)
    a ver si me envias mas fotos del elfo que ya tengo ganas de verlo terminado
    angel ;)

  6. Hi Mr_scream

    Thank :), Corvus Belli (infinity) gave me "freedom" for the scheme of color, I enjoyed with it
    see you

  7. This is indeed an inspirational piece and a great reference for some good texturing and complex color scheme blending.
    That model looks like a joy to paint.
