lunes, 5 de enero de 2009

Article for Theminiaturespage


I painted this 2 miniatures for the website Theminiaturespage.

In the article I explained two techniques of painting: Non-Metallic Metal (NMM) and Metallic Pigments.

Here you can see the article:

4 comentarios:

  1. Nice articles Angel, NMM wins it for me although I love using my inks on TMM. Great to see some of your stuff explained, I will be picking up some ice yellow after reading the article. I am just about to order the game forces magazine you featured in although I wont be able to read it :P. I m starting some pieces to hopefully take to the Ravage MixOpen this year. Have you considered going yet?

  2. Hi :)

    Thank ;), yes, the color ice yellow is good, it is a good color for the lights.
    I think that the game forces have translating in english.
    I will speak with Mario (gamesforces) and I will tell you ;).
    I went MIxopne08 and it was AMAZING, I recommend you, I an not sure if I will go this year,I hope hahe time :)
    see you

  3. Empiezas el año con fuerza, muy buenos los tutoriales y el demonio alado es impresionante.



  4. Gracias Cloudito :)
    estos trabajos son de 2008 y aun quedan por salir algunos mas, van con retraso las empresas,jejejej ;)
    El tutorial me alegro que te guste, espero hacer mas y si son de ayuda pues mejor :)
    angel ;)
