miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

BOW Annual Awards 2014

Good Morning everybody
Today is a good day, Beasts of War celebrates Beast of War Annual Awards 2014 and I'm nominated THE BEST PAINTER, I'm happy and also surprised
Also Infinity is nominated THE BEST SCI-FI GAME, Fausto Gutierrez: 3d and traditional sculptor THE BEST SCULPTOR and Acrylicos Vallejo THE BEST ACCESSORY.

My nomination is Kum Raider, I use Acrylicos Vallejo paints and the Evolution ALplus Harder & Steenbeck Airbrush
In this link you can vote

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm not surprised you get an award for this mini, it is a great piece of art.

  2. I'm just nominated, now everyboy will vote it
