lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Anna Never

I painted it for the company Cipher Studios for the range Anima Tactics
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro

I used Model Color and Game Color
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

4 comentarios:

  1. Nice one!
    What color is the shadow on the white cloak?
    Off topic question, why are your pictures "without title"?
    The majority is called "sin-titulo". A shame, because noone would find them with google and such.

  2. Great white paint job. White is hard to paint. But you did it very well.

  3. thanks :)

    for the shadow I used pale blue and dark blue grey

    I write the name of the miniature in the post of my blog
    you can find it in google, I think..

  4. Google Image Search gives better results if the files have the right name.
