jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Colette Malifaux

Painted miniatures by Angel Giraldez and Jose Veiga for a collector.
Game Level

5 comentarios:

  1. Just Awesome mate, the colours really pop - what a great looking Malifaux gang.

  2. My only concern is that I'm not the one putting them on the table. Amazing job, now I just have to muscle through mine after seeing these.

  3. Well as the soon to be new owner- I'm pretty stoked to get them. :)

  4. Angel podrias decirnos los colores usados para los morados, los rojos y sobretodo los azules de las faldas?
    muchas gracias un trabajo increible¡

  5. thank ;)

    Angel, le pregunto a Jose ppor los colores y te lo pongo ;)
