Hi guys
I am moving for a new flat, I will answer your questions, doubts, mails, budgets,etc...within a few days.
see you
angel ;)
viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011
I apinted it for the company Cipher Studios for the range Anima tactis
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro
I used Model Color, Game Color and inks vallejo
if you have questions about colors you cana sk here ;)
color base: white
shadow 1: bronze flestone
shadow 2: moon yellow
shadow 3: gold yellow
shadow 4: brown ink
shadow 5: hull red
light 1: white
color base: imperial blue
light 1: ultramarineblue
lgith 2: white
shadow: dark blue, black
I painted it for the company Cipher Studios for the range Anima Tactics
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro
I used Model Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here
I painted it in the 2001 year, it is a old paintjob when I was young,hahaha ;)
Here you can vote this diorama
Here you can to buy this diorama
miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011
I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity.
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig
I used Model Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)
white parts:
color base: deck tanlight 1: ivory
light 2: white
shadow1: a cam.beige wwII
shadow 2: violet
I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity
It was sculpted by Pedro Fernandez
I used Model Color, Game Color, WASH , Panzer Aces and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here
Guarda de asalto
I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig
I used Model Color, Game Color, Pancer Aces and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you cna ask here ;)
Haramaki lanzamisiles
I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity.
It was scuplted by Juan Navarro
I used Model Color and Game Color Vallejo
If you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)
martes, 17 de mayo de 2011
Comparative size
I painted this miniature for the company Cipher Studios for the range Anima Tactics
I used Model Color ,Game Color, Inks and WASH of Vallejo
If you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)
color base: beige red + basic skintone
light 1: basic skintone
light 2: light flesh
light 3: white
shadow: beige red, violet
tones: violet, dark prussian blue, brown red
I used Model Color, Game Color, Model Air and WASH of Vallejo
If you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)