viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Shinobu Kitsune

I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for their range Infinity.
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro.
I used Model Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo
If you have questions abouts colors you can ask here ;)
lipstick and blusher
mixture of calvary brown and old rose
color base: beige red
light 1: basic tone
light 2: light flesh
shadow: brown sand and flat earth

8 comentarios:

  1. Una pasada, otra vez, com os lo montais en CB!!!....y nos vais a arruinar!!

  2. Hi Angel,

    Lovely work, and a great surprise from CB that "he" is a girl!

    did you paint two versions of the model, or have you magnetised (or something similar) then 2 left hands/arms for the model?

    Also what colours do you use for lipstick and "blusher" (make-up on cheeks) - Amazing!


  3. Una verdadera maravilla. Me uno a la pregunta de Simon, ¿has pintado dos minis iguales o sólo los brazos y los has intercambiado de alguna forma?

    Por cierto, y perdón por ser tan pesado, ¿No pones las fotos de Carlota Kowalsky? Creo que no se habían visto antes y también es novedad este mes. ¿O es que no la has pintado tu?

    Saludos :)

  4. Hi,

    could you please write down how you painted the face? It looks really beautiful with a good expression.

    Thanks, N.

  5. thnak ;)

    I only paint 1 miniature :(
    I did not have permission for paint 2 miniatures

    Ya colgue las fotos de carlota y el moriarty, no las puse antes ya que no tuve tiempo :X

  6. hi Angel can you tell me the colors of green sword please?

  7. sword colors please angel¡¡

  8. sorry for the delay

    here you can see the colors

    see you
    angel ;)
