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domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Games Rules MERCS


the other week I received the book Mercs and it is great, the quality of book is very amazing, good rules, photos and very cool design, I like it
congratulations Mercs team ;)

3 comentarios:

Feuermann dijo...

no tienen mala pinta =) a ver si les puede hoacer un review en segmentum solar y todo =)=)

y espero que hagan unaedicion en castellano

goat89 dijo...

Time to paint MERC minis Mr Angel!
I am sure ppl will be looking forward to it!

Ángel Giráldez dijo...

el libro esta muy currado seguroq ue te va a gustar ;)

Yes, I always have time for good companies :) and Mercs is great
I have paint 5 miniatures ;)