viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Teutonic Knight siptfire

I painted this miniature in the studio of Corvus Belli for their range Infinity.
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig
I used all products Vallejo
If you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

6 comentarios:

  1. More fantastic work!It seems you have been very busy lately.:-)


  2. Una adicion genial para las ordenes...

    Para cuando unos Hospitalarios, que me gustan mas que los teutones....

  3. Hum, esta figura es la que menos me ha gustado de esta última tanda, me parece un poco estática, no se que se supone que está haciendo con el arma por ejemplo.

    El pintado genial, eso si ;)

  4. thank Axebreaker ;), I always am busy,hehehe ;)

    pues ni idea, pero supongo que este año saldran mas cosas de caballeros....

  5. It is great if you could explain to me how to achieve the same gray / blue armor from the palette of the citadel? I would be very grateful. Of course I understand if you can not in the citadel it can also be the Valleho.

  6. the blue-grey is (vallejo)

    colo base: military blue + hull red + dark prussian blue
    light 1: dark sand
    light 2: white
    shadow: black , dark prussian blue
