jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Flennbade Officer and Drummer

I painted these miniatures for the company Privateer Press.
I used P3 for it.

15 comentarios:

  1. Did you use Vallejo paints for these too?

  2. I use paints P3 only for the company Privateer Press.

    all the others companies( Infinity, anima tactics, sphere wars,etc.......) I use all products Vallejo :)

  3. El tartan es una maravilla y las minis muy bien ejecutadas en cuando a escultura..
    Como comparan las pinturas de P3 con las de vallejo?

  4. Finally some of your PP work !! :) Its great, your style suits the trolls! I hope there is more to come ;)


  5. While I do miss the red nodules for the trollkin the tartan more than makes up for the difference in styles. I must say it is aces by me.

  6. que super activo estas ultimamente. mola. las minis estas molan en general los troles me encantan. una duda ¿el esquema de color de la piel te lo dan desde privateer press? ¿o te tuviste que imaginar como era?

  7. You're one of the most talented painter I've seen. Your works are stunning! Congratulations!

  8. thank Dave, I painted more miniatures but yet I can not show it :X

    I painted the color of tartan as in the ilustration of PP.

    Me dieron la receta pero le cambie un par de cosas de la receta.
    estas minis ya las pinte hace tiempo y dentro de poco ya empiezo a pintar una escuadra :)

    thank Yori ;)

  9. Trolls escoceses? XD
    Hmm, siempre me he preguntado cómo se pintan esos cuadros en una miniatura...

  10. "siempre me he preguntado cómo se pintan esos cuadros en una miniatura..."

    Me sumo a la pregunta. Seria muy de agradecer saber como lo haces Angel. En la medida de lo posible, claro XD

  11. siento el retraso, estaba algo liado...

    Para pintar esto me guia por la ilustracion que me dieron,
    primero pinte la tela solo con las luces,depues las lineas mas gordas y por ultimo las finas.
    por ultimo aplique las sombras a todo.
    no tiene mucho truco es ir despacio ;)

  12. Despacio como con todo, jeje

    Gracias maestro Giraldez ;)

  13. Excellent painting, it makes me want to grab some minis from the Trollbloods army and have a crack at them.

  14. I was curious about the blues for the skin of the officer and the colours used for the tartan.

    The skintone seems much lighter compared to how other trollbloods are painted. I quite like it what colours were used? Was it brush or airbrush?

    It is particularly noticable in one of the colour shots of domination where the officer really stands out from the other fennblades. It is quite superb.

    Thanks for any info you can provide.

  15. I was curious about the blues for the skin of the officer and the colours used for the tartan.

    The skintone seems much lighter compared to how other trollbloods are painted. I quite like it what colours were used? Was it brush or airbrush?

    It is particularly noticable in one of the colour shots of domination where the officer really stands out from the other fennblades. It is quite superb.

    Thanks for any info you can provide.
