hi In this miniature i used some colors citadel yet I did not accordance with vallejo
Source lightinh: color base: yellow light 1: ice yellow light 2: white shadow ink yellow and flesh was(citadel)
Armor: color base:rotting flesh(ci) + lufwaffe cam. green light 1: rotting flesh lgiht 2: white shadow: luffwaffe cam. green, english uniform, darl prussian blue
Una escultura y pintura geniales...el freehand de la capa...de donde has sacado la idea? genial...
ResponderEliminarY me debes una;)
ya viene modelado, mas facil ;)
ResponderEliminarAh, the one model I was looking forward to a color pallet.
ResponderEliminarWould you consider editing this post with the color pallet you used, primarily how you did the Object Source Lighting.
ResponderEliminarIn this miniature i used some colors citadel yet I did not accordance with vallejo
Source lightinh:
color base: yellow
light 1: ice yellow
light 2: white
shadow ink yellow and flesh was(citadel)
color base:rotting flesh(ci) + lufwaffe cam. green
light 1: rotting flesh
lgiht 2: white
shadow: luffwaffe cam. green, english uniform, darl prussian blue
if you have more question you can ask ;)
ResponderEliminarit's amazing !
Is it possible one day you can write a tutorial like step by step with pics of each phases with paint ?
Thanks a lot !