It was sculpted by Pedro Ramos.
I used all products Vallejo for it:
Brush: Red sable Kolinsky nº 0 and 1
White spray
Materials for the base: mixture of white tone and white pumice
Paints Model Color Vallejo:
color base: dark prussian blue + turquoise + brown chocolate
light 1: turquoise
light 2: flat flesh
light 3: ivory
shadow: dark prussian blue, black
tones:cork brown, english uniform
color base: black + dark prussian blue
light 1: flat flesh
light 2: ivory
shadow: black
tones: english uniform
Red Parts
color base: burnt cad. red
light 1: flat red
lgiht 2: sunny skin tone
shadow: hull red
Green Parts
color base: alem cam. lufwaffe + chololate brown
light 1: olive green + yellow green
light 2: sunny skin tone
shadow: hull red , chocolate brown , black
if you have some questions you can ask here ;)
4 comentarios:
Thankyou for posting the colour guide, very helpful :)
you are welcome ;)
Both the Sculpt and and Paint job on that ADHL has just blown my mind!
I look at it and think it must be 54mm rather than 28
The yellow green you used, was it 881 or 954?
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