Miniatura que pinte por encargo para la empresa Draconia.
Draconia es una empresa española dirigida por Jose Jarque, tiene dos gamas la de 54mm y 28mm, la miniatura que yo pinte es de 28mm y es mi primera miniatura para esta marca.
Como regalo de navidad os pongo un pequeño preview de las minis que van a salir para el 2009 de varias marcas: Draconia, Otherworld Miniaturas, Infinity, Consortium, SMOG,etc.... Espero que las disfruteis ;) Felicez fiestas angel
Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Ariadna army. It was sculpted by Carlos Torres. I hope you like it.
Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Ariadna army. It was sculpted by Fernando Liste. I hope you like it.
Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Nomads army. It was sculpted by Fernando Liste. I hope you like it.
Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Combined Army. It was sculpted by Carlos Torres. I hope you like it.
Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Panoceania army. It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig. I hope you like it.
Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Yu Ying army. It was sculpted by Michael Biguad. I hope you like it.
Para la semana van a estar expuestas algunas miniaturas de infinity( alguna novedad de este mes,XD) en la nueva tienda Esbozos Comics en vigo, si quereis echarles un ojo. Supongo que las llevare el viernes
Direccion de la tienda: Tlf: 986 11 66 87 Calle Paz 1 bajo. Vigo, Pontevedra. Horario: 10:30-14:30 y 16:30-20:30
Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Hakkislam army. It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig. I hope you like it.
Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Yu Ying army. It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig. I hope you like it.
Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Nomads army. It was sculpted by Yannick Hennebo. I hope you like it.
Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Panoceania army. It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig. I hope you like it.
Miniatura que pinte por encargo para la empresa Mercs Miniatures. Fue modelada por Tom Mason Aqui tu puedes comprarla:
Miniatura que pinte por encargo para la empresa Mercs Miniatures. Fue modelada por Tom Mason Aqui tu puedes comprarla:
Mercs Miniatures is a new USA company, miniatures are hight quality and 35mm. Tom Mason lead the company and also he is sculptor. He trust in me to paint their miniatures :) You can see his website here:
Pues eso, que en la games forces 12 sale un tal angel giradez,XD, asi que a comprar la revista, que a ver si este mes como un plato caliente de arroz :(,jejeje, Cuento intimidades, rumores,lios de faldas....... ajajaj
Miniatura que pinte por encargo para la empresa Consortium. Espero que os guste. Miniature that I paint for the company Consortium. I hope you enjoy it.
Miniatura que pinte por encargo para la empresa Consortium. Espero que os guste. Miniature that I paint for the company Consortium. I hope you enjoy it.
Miniatura que pinte en el estudio de pintura de Corvus Belli y pertenece al juego Infinity del ejercito de Ejercito combinado. Fue modelada por Michaël Bigaud. Espero que os guste. Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Combined Army. It was sculpted by Michaël Bigaud. I hope you like it.
Miniatura que pinte en el estudio de pintura de Corvus Belli y pertenece al juego Infinity del ejercito de Ejercito combinado. Fue modelada por Michaël Bigaud. Espero que os guste. Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Combined Army. It was sculpted by Michaël Bigaud. I hope you like it.
Miniatura que pinte en el estudio de pintura de Corvus Belli y pertenece al juego Infinity del ejercito de Nomadas. Fue modelada por Jose Luis Roig. Espero que os guste. Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Nomads army. It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig. I hope you like it.
Miniatura que pinte en el estudio de pintura de Corvus Belli y pertenece al juego Infinity del ejercito de Yu Ying. Fue modeladapor Jose Luis Roig. Espero que os gusten. Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Yu Ying army. It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig. I hope you like it.
Miniatura que pinte en el estudio de pintura de Corvus Belli y pertenece al juego Infinity del ejercito de Yu Ying. Fue modelada por Jose Luis Roig. Espero que os gusten. Miniature that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Yu Ying army. It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig. I hope you like it.
Miniatura que pinte en el estudio de pintura de Corvus Belli y pertenece al juego Infinity del ejercito de Hakkislam. Fue modelada por Yannick Hennebo. Espero que os guste. Mini that I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Hakkislam army. It was sculpted by Yannick Hennebo. I hope you like it.
Miniaturas que pinte en el estudio de pintura de Corvus Belli y pertenece al juego Infinity del ejercito de Ariadna. Fueron modeladas por Fernado Liste. Espero que os guste. Miniature sthat I painted on Corvus Belli's paint studio and it belong Infinity's game of Ariadna army. It was sculpted by Fernando Liste. I hope you like it.