martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008


Miniatura que pinte para la empresa Kraken editions.
Espero que os guste.

Miniture that I paint for the company Kraken editions.
I hope thta you like it.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hey this is a real nice piece and very different from what you usually do. Very nice atmosphere. I saw this in Essen but it was not available to buy at the time. I thought it was one of Jeremie's.

  2. Hi :)
    Thank Mr scream
    I had more "free" to paint this miniature and I wished make something different.
    And conratulations for you silver in the GD UK :), I saw the miniature, great, I like it.
    Finally I did not go, I had not time :(.
    see you

  3. Sé que hace tiempo que concluiste este genial trabajo pero, ¿podrías acordarte o darme una idea aproximada de como conseguiste los tonos azulados de las escamas y la textura de los ojos?

    Muchas gracias por compartir tus trabajos, son geniales.
