martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Gencon 2015

Just 91 days left until Gencon!!! The day is closer and I'm going to be there.
I've planned all my masterclasses and this year's are:
-Two painting demos with airbrush where I'll explain my method so you can see and ask all your questions.
.-Three masterclasses with airbrush + brush. This masterclass is very interesting because I'll explain all the steps so you can paint a miniature with me and pay attention. You don't need to bring an airbrush, Iwata will sponsor this masterclass .
-Two masterclasses on how to paint a new Infinity miniature, at this moment I can't say which miniature it will be, but that it is awesome.
-One masterclass on How to paint NMM. We'll use the NMM set of Acrylicos Vallejo.
-One masterclass on How to paint faces. This year, we'll probably paint a sexy girl
And finally, I'll make a painting demo with the airbrush at the Iwata booth.
Acrylicos Vallejo will sponsor all masterclasses so we'll have brushes and paints!!!
I think in a few weeks, Gencon will publish information about how you can sign up for them.
Also I'll announce something at Gencon...... I have some surprises but not yet, it's too early.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Tiger soldier

I painted this miniature in Corvus Belli
I used:
Model Color, Game Color and Game Air Acrylicos Vallejo
Infinity CR PLUS Harder&Steenbeck
YuYing Bases Customeeple

Aquila Guard

I painted this miniature in Corvus Belli.
I used Acrylicos Vallejo paints, Evolution Al Plus Harder & Steenbeck and panoceanian base Customeeple

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Busy as a Tech-Bee ON SALE

Hello everyone!
Busy as a tech-Bee is a conversion I made using 2 tags form the range of Infinity.
This miniature was painted to make a step by step in the book "Painting Miniaturas from A to Z Angel Giraldez Masterclass volume 1"
In this masterclass article I explained how to paint the Panoceanian blue, skin and others parts.
This is a great opportunity to get this unique piece and signed by myself

By purchasing this miniature, I will include a book signed by me so on you can see the process followed to paint this diorama

You can get this miniature on ebay

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015


Ya esta puesta la informacion de los cursos en las Ficzone 2015
Masterclass Aerografo + Pincel
Sabado 2 de Mayo, 17.00-20.00
Demostracion Aerografo + pincel
Domingo 3 de Mayo
Para apuntaros lo podeis hacer en el siguiente link


I painted these miniatures in Corvus Belli
I used Model Color and Game Color Acrylicos and Evolution Al Plus Harder&Steenbeck
Also I used nomads base Customeeple

More photos on my facebook 

Yaogat Strike Infantry.

My mate Daf and me painted these miniatures in Corvus Belli