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martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Miniatures for Sale

I want to sell these miniatures, if you are interesed, you will send me a mail ;)

Maelstrom Games

Hi guys

I painted a miniature for the company Maesltrom Games for his range BaneLords
when I will have permission I will show it  :)

Saladino W.I.P.

Hi guys

I am painting Saladino for a collector, in this moment I am painting the face yet I have to paint some tones.....
I will show the progress of this miniature in the blog ;)

basecoat: brown sand
wash: flat earth
wassh 2: chocolate brown
light1: brown sand + german  cam orange ochre
light 2. basic skintone
tones. cavalry brown and flat earth

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Marines for Sale

Hi guys

if you are interesed in these miniatures ,please you send a mail ;)

martes, 24 de enero de 2012


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity
It was sculpted by Pedro Fernandez

I used Molde Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro

I used Molde Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig and Carlos Torres

I used Molde Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here

basecoat: prussian blue + field blue + hull red
light 1: field blue
light 2. dark sand
light 3: white
shadow: prussian blue dark, black

basecoat: pale blue
light 1: white
shadow: pale blue and dark blue grey

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

On the table

Hi guys

This week I worked some days in my house, tomorrow I will finish it.....

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012


 Photo with the olds morlocks and new morlocks
 A old paintjob......
I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro

I used Model Color ,Game Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here

martes, 17 de enero de 2012


Miniatures sold

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012


I painted it for the company Predastore
It was sculpted by Gael Gaumon

I used Model Color, Game Color and WASH Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012