
Siguenos en Facebook

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Vermin Clan Lord

I painted it for the company Avatar of War

I used Model Color and Game Color
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011


 This week I received the Wrath book
In this book you can see some of my paintjobs
 All the Team :), amazing artists
here you can see 3 new miniatures  ;)

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

More Man-O-War

I painted it for the company Privateer Press
I used P3
If you have questions about colors you can aske here ;)

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Man-O-War Demolition Corps

I painted it for the company Privateer Press

I used P3, if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

color base: sanguine base
light 1: skorne red
light 2: khador red base
light 3: mixture of sulfuric yellow + menoth white-hightlight
shadow: exile blue and thamr black

color base: rhulic gold + battlefied brown
shadow: ink brown
light 1: rhulic gold
light 2: solid gold
light 3: qucick silver

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011


I painted it for the Neoterra Shop, it will be a award in an event
Basic Level

I used Model Color, Panzer Aces, Game Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011


Painted miniatures by Maria Araujo for the company Freebooter Miniatures


I painted it for the company Antenociti`s Worshop

I used Model Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011


I painted it for the company Consortium
It was sculpted by Dominique Seys

I used Model Color, Panzer Aces, inks and WASH of Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)


I painted it for the company Consortium
It was sculpted by Dominique Seys

I used Model Color, Panzer Aces, inks and WASH of Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range infinity
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro

I used Model Color, Game Color and Panzer Aces
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

Yudbot and Netrod

I painted it in the stduio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity.
It was sculpted byJose Luis Roig.

I used Model Color and Game Color Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

white parts:
color base: deck tan
light 1: ivory
light 2: white
shadow1: a cam.beige wwII
shadow 2: violet


I painted it in the stduio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity.
It was sculpted by Fernando Liste.

I used Model Color Panzer Acez ,WASH and Game Color Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity.
It was sculpted byJose Luis Roig
I used Molde Color, Game Color, Panzer Aces and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011


I painted it for the company Cipher Studios for the range Anima Tactics

I used Model Air and inks of Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

Ejecutor de Ziech

I painted it for the company Sphere Wars

I used Model Color, Inks and WASH of Vallejo
if you have some questions about colors you can ask here ;)

Fusilero Vunscher

I painted it for the company Sphere Wars

I used Model Color, Inks and WASH of Vallejo
if you have some questions about colors you can ask here ;)

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Karakuris Box

I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for the range Infinity
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig

I used Model Color and Game Color of Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Cutter, Knight and SAS

I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli
Basic level

I used Model Color, Pancer Aces, Game Color and inks of Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you cana sk here ;)

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011


9.40 - 10.06 minutes and 12.04 :), heheheh

ENGEL JERRALDES, Warren you are my GODDD ;)


sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

Emilia 'Foxy' Foxwell

I painted it for the company Statuesque Miniatures
It was sculpted by Andrew Rae

I used Model Color, Pancer Aces and Inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)


Hi guys

I am working for the company Statuesque Miniatures
Andrew Rae is a great sculptor, I knew his work in others companies
I am happy of work in his company :)

here you can see the website: