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domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011


I painted this miniature for the company Mercs Miniatures.
It was sculpted by Tom Mason

I used Model color, Model air, Game color , WASH ans Pigments Vallejo

If you have questions about colores you can ask here ;)

color base: burnt cad. red
light 1: bloody red ( GC)
light 2: sunny skin tone
shadow: hull red

color base: basalt grey
ligth 1: white
shadow: dark prussian blue and black


I painted this miniature for the company Mercs Miniatures.
It was sculpted by Tom Mason

I used Model Color, Model air, WASH and Pigments Vallejo

if you have question about colors you can ask here ;)

Sphere Wars book

Amazing book of Sphere Wars :), another book to my collection
thank Jordi ;)
this week I will paint a new of Sphere Wars ;)

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Preview: soon 2 new painting set Vallejo

Hi guys

I did 2 step to step for a news painting set of Vallejo

1º painting set Vallejo -Avatar of War
it includes a exclusive miniature, 1 step to step and 9 colors

2º painting set Vallejo- Zenit Miniatures
it includes a exclusive miniature, 1 step to step and 7 colors

I will advertise it when it available and I will show more photos ;)

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


I painted it for the company Tercios Creativo.
I used Model Color and inks Vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

Carlota and Moriarty

I painted it in the stduio of Corvus Belli for their range Infinity
It was sculpted by Fernando Liste and Carlos Torres.
I used Model Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Pro-Painted Snotlings warhammer

HERE you can vote these miniatures
HERE you can get these miniatures ;)


I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for their range Infinity.
It was sculpted by Carlos Torres.
I used Model Color and WAS set vallejo
if you have questions about colors you can ask here ;)

Shinobu Kitsune

I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for their range Infinity.
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro.
I used Model Color, Game Color and inks Vallejo
If you have questions abouts colors you can ask here ;)
lipstick and blusher
mixture of calvary brown and old rose
color base: beige red
light 1: basic tone
light 2: light flesh
shadow: brown sand and flat earth

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


I painted it for the company Consortium
It was sculpted by Dominique Seys
I used Model Color Vallejo and WASH set Vallejo

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Darth Maul

I painted this miniature for a collector.
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro for the company Knight Models
I used paints Model Color Vallejo and WASH set Vallejo
If you have some questions about of colors you can ask here ;)
Black Color
color base: black
light 1: basalt grey
light 2: sunny skin tone
light 3: ivory
shadow: black
2º Mixture
color base: black + dark prussian blue
light 1: sunny skin tone
light 2: ivory
tones: darl prussian blue
shadow: black, chocolate brown
3º Mixture
color base: black ink
light 1: ivory
shadow: black
color base: red ink
light 1: sunny skin tone
light 2: white
shadow: hullt red

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Warmachine MKII

I receive the MK II :)great book and the Privateer Press team signed book :)
thank Ron ;)
I hope see my paintjobs in next books :)

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Dawnguard Destor Thane Cavalry Solo

I paint it for the company Privateer Press
I used P3 paints

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

Work in progress- Jamona

I continue with it, yet I have retouch some parts and in a few weeks I will begin with the tag :)
if you have questions about of color you can ask here ;)
orange parts:
color base: Orange brown + cavalry brown
light 1: orange brown
Light 2: sunny skin tone
light 3. white
shadow: cavalry brown, hull red
blue parts:
color base: blue gree
light 1: yellow green
light 2: white
shadow: turquoise

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Games Rules MERCS


the other week I received the book Mercs and it is great, the quality of book is very amazing, good rules, photos and very cool design, I like it
congratulations Mercs team ;)

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Highlander Cateran

I painted it in the studio of Corvus Belli for their range Infinity
It was sculpted by Pedro Fernandez
I used Model Color and Pigments Vallejo
If you have some questions about of colors you can ask here ;)
color base: brown sand
light 1: beige red
light 2: basic skintone
light 3: light flesh
shadow: black red, brown chocolate
tones: brown red
color base: grey basalt + darl prussian blue
light 1: yellow ice
light 2: white
shadow: dark prussian blue, black

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Raziel NK-X

I painted this miniature for the company Cipher Studios for their range Anima Tactics
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro

I used Model Color Vallejo


I painted it for the company Consortium
It was sculpted by Dominique Seys
I used the Wash set of Vallejo and Model color paints

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011


I have paint these miniatures for the company Privateer Press, it does not a secret proyect so they give permission me for I show the procress :)
Also in a few days I will begin a new proyect of Privateer Press but it is a secret, heheh ;)

I am useing the P3 paints ;)

I applied lights with the airbrush, the photo is VERYYY BAD, sorry :X
In a few days more photos ;)

Work in progress- Face

Hi guys

I am painting the face in this miniature, I am useing the face painting set of Vallejo
yet I have add some lights and tones and I retouch the light in left side of the face,etc.....
in a few days more photos ;)

Chasseur: Award Infinity Tournament System 2010-2011

I painted this miniature in the studio of Corvus Belli
It is a award for the winner of Infinity Tournament System 2010-2011

I used Model Color Vallejo paints

color base: dark prussian blue + turquoise + brown chocolate
light 1: sunny skin tone
ligt 2: ivory
shadow : black


martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

Pro-Painted Tretch Craventail skaven warhammer

Miniature painted by Jose Veiga and Angel Giraldez

HERE you can get this great miniature
HERE you can vote this miniature