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jueves, 29 de abril de 2010


My old crazy John Roberston and his crazy friends made a new game..
here you can see it
it is a veryyy funny game ;)
In a few weeks I will received a set of these miniatures :)
John, always you are the best ;)

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Comments about Salute 2010


Today I return to Vigo, it was a large travel... but the experience was very fun :)
I know in person to many people.... but I had not enough time for to visit all the stands :(
Mario (MDB) a great person ans he was my translator
,thank ;)
John Blanche, I only have a word... AMAZING, I saw their drawings in person and it is very cool
he is a great artist.
Also he gave a present me the Warhammer 40 book and it was signed by all artists GW :)
WOW, thank John ;)
All the team of Smart Max, Cedric, Christophe and Seb :)
Jed the boss of Antenociti's,
Dave (Mr.Scream) his paintjobs are very great,
Joe (JoekMinis) it is a new company and Joe, sorry for my bad english,hehehe ;)
Mike and Alison Mcvey.... fantastic, Mike is a great and I saw in person the paintjobs of Alison and I like it much.
Antonio Manzanero, he is the draftsman of Sphere Wars, and a guy veryyy great ;)
and more ,more people....
In summary... a amazing day :)
Here some photos ;)

the BOOK :)

stuff of Forge World

Mike and I :)

Mike gave a present me, these are the miniatures :)
the sculpture is veryyyyyyy high
it was sculpted by Yannick Hennebo :), yes,yes

Next new of Sphere Wars, it was sculpted by Pedro Fernandez

It is the miniature for the company JoekMinis
thank Joe ;)

I will paint a new version of this miniature of Smog

Present of Jed for me :), very cool the vehicle

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Salute 2010

I will go Salute 2010 :)
I will makeing demo painting in the Sphere Wars stand and you can see all the paintjobs me for this company
you can ask all the questions of paint about of these miniatures ;)
I will be all day in the stand ;)
Also you can see some paintjobs me in the Smart Max (smog), Antenociti's and Otherworld Miniatures stands...
Also I will show some miniatures of Anima Tactics and Infinity but it will not be exposed in showcase if you want see it you ask me
see you
angel ;)

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Acontecimientos regulares

I painted these miniatures on Corvus Belli's studio paint.
It was sculpted by Jose Luis Roig


Shasvastii Expeditionary Force

I painted these miniatures on Corvus Belli's studio paint.
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro and Michael Biguad

Hsien multi rifle

I painted this miniature on Corvus Belli's studio paint.
It was sculpted by Yannick Hennobo

Deva spitfire

I painted this miniature on Corvus Belli's studio paint.
It was sculpted by Juan Navarro

martes, 13 de abril de 2010


I am painting this miniature
the miniatures is the ----- of the company --------
You can see it in the event Salute 2010 ;)

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Salyut Zond and Moira

I painted these miniatures basic quality in the studio of Infinity.
These miniatures are for V, he made the army of infinity

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Car and police man

I painted these miniatures for the company Antenociti's Workshop

Antenociti's Workshop

I begin paint for other company.

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

New photos of the dark elf

Saque nuevas fotos con un fondo negro, todavia no se aprecia todo el trabajo, voy a intentar sacar mas fotos.
a ver que os parece ;)